2009年2月16日 星期一


親愛的學長及成大朋友: 元宵甫過,春蕊早開,大地一片欣欣向榮;祝您家庭美滿,事事順心。
自去年以來,世界經濟面臨極淒厲的寒冬,台灣是國際社會的一份子,免不了受到影響;許多公司行號或減薪,或放無薪假,甚或裁員,倒閉關廠,局勢之嚴峻,可以想見。根據本校學生申請就學貸款及各項助學措施的資料顯示,本校學生家庭受到經濟不景氣影響的數目有明顯增加之趨勢。而未來數個月,台灣產業界可能面臨更嚴酷的考驗。 我身為成功大學的校長,對於這樣的景氣,和大家一樣,也是憂心如焚。於是積極指示學校各單位,從不同面向協助學生,包括提供更多的獎助學金、工讀機會,以及急困濟助之資訊。我相信積極、適時的幫助學生,也就等於幫助了他們的家庭,幫助了社會。 在這一波金融海嘯中,有許多成大校友也難免受影響。為照顧這些校友,我們已擬定了因應策略,來幫助職場上被解僱而失業的校友,協助他們共度難關。這些策略包括提供就業資訊及再教育機會,配合教育部及國科會政策增加研究助理、博士後研究員及高階研究人員、增加產學合作計畫,並鼓勵智慧財產的開發、協助創業,此外,我們亦努力加速學校硬體設備的興建期程,以協助刺激經濟。 根據各國評估,這波不景氣的現象恐將維持一段時間;而四個月後,應屆畢業生又將投入職場,本校將約有一半的畢業生(成大最近每年畢業人次約五千人)選擇就業;在僧多粥少的環境下,勢必再出現另一波失業潮。為了未雨綢繆,亟需在企業界行有餘力的學長,提供就業機會或資訊,俾迅速傳達給學弟妹,好讓他們在溫暖的關懷中,跨出人生的第一步。 相信各位學長一定知道,成大畢業校友連續十年被選為企業界的最愛,這樣的成績,讓大家都與有榮焉!為維持得來不易的聲譽,迎接新血,注入源頭活水,當然是必要的。而如何集中力量,再創佳績,實需仰仗各位學長及成大朋友及時將機會與資訊提供給遭遇困難的校友與即將加入職場的社會新鮮人,讓學校扮演溝通的橋樑,為大家找到務實、積極、合群,以及有創意的生力軍。 成大校友的代代傳承及互相照顧,是成大最好的傳統。如果您的企業能幫忙,請您把這些資訊通知本校,可直接提供線上求才求職媒合網站「生涯達人資訊網」 (http://career.adm.ncku.edu.tw/),作為成大學長及朋友、校內大學部同學及碩博生們之就業機會或資訊共享平台,或提供訊息予成大校友聯絡中心(歐蓉蓉經理,電話:06-2757575分機81302,電子信箱:jjou@mail.ncku.edu.tw)。 我身為校長,幫助在校學生及畢業校友面對金融海嘯責無旁貸。校內方面,我們已經積極的動起來;校外方面,則懇請各位事業有成的學長及成大朋友們也和我們共同努力、彼此互助、共渡難關。 再度感謝各位學長及成大朋友的關懷與協助,相信以成大豐富的資源、成大人的熱心與團結,我們一定可以讓學弟、妹感受到來自前輩的提攜,進而以同理心回饋母校,奉獻家國。我還要衷心地呼籲:毋論需要幫助或可以幫助學弟妹的學長及成大朋友們,儘速與我們聯繫,讓我們同心協力,正面迎向逆境。並祝大家: 突破難關,宏圖大展! 校長 賴明詔敬啟
真希望我們校長的這封信,能讓在業界的主管級學長多照顧一下自己學弟妹!一起度過這個特別時期!我一直很喜歡我們成大的學長學弟制,那種互相提攜互相學習的感覺真的很棒,例如我在台南監獄的那段時間,也接受過學長的幫助,我也很努力的保護後面新進來的學弟免於受三區的志願役人渣的荼毒;這就像是一個不成文的規定,大家也都會去這麼做,這就是成大,這就是成大的傳統! 來偷學一下英文吧! An Open Letter from President Michael Ming-Chiao Lai to All Senior NCKU Alumni and Friends Dear Alumni and friends: The Lantern Festival has just passed and the spring flowers are blossoming. We are embraced by booming and prosperous sights and atmosphere! May you enjoy family bliss and all wishes come true! Since last year, the global economy has been in a dire situation. As a member of the international society, Taiwan is under the influence too: many companies and businesses either cut salaries, impose holidays without pay, lay off employees or go out of business. It is not hard to imagine how severe the recession is. Here at National Cheng Kung University, according to the data of our students’ application for study loans and various financial aids, there is an obvious increase in the number of students’ family affected by the recession. In the coming months, the industry in Taiwan might face even harder trials and tribulations. As the President of NCKU, I feel as anxious as everyone else about this situation; hence I have directed all university offices to provide various assistances for students, including more scholarships and financial aids, work study jobs, and emergency financial assistance. I believe that providing help to students actively and timely equals to helping their family and the society. Many NCKU alumni are swept by the economic tsunami. To support our alumni, we have planned coping strategies to aid those unemployed alumni to pass the hard times hand in hand. These strategies include: to provide employment information, upgrade training and education opportunities, increase slots for research assistants, post-doc and higher-level researchers in line with the policy from Ministry of Education and National Science Council, to add industry-academia collaboration projects, and to encourage intellectual property development and business start-ups. In addition, we also try to accelerate the construction schedules of facilities and building at NCKU to catalyze economy. According to predictions done by various countries, this recession might still continue for a period of time. Moreover, in four months, the coming graduates will enter the job market. About half of NCKU graduates will choose to start working (in recent years the average number of graduates are 5,000 annually). When the demand outnumbers the supply in the job market, there will come another high tide of unemployment. To prepare in advance, we need our successful senior alumni in the business world to provide employment opportunities and information to disseminate them to junior alumni, helping them to start a life in warmth and care. I suppose all alumni know that NCKU graduates have been regarded as the most desirable employees by the business world 10 years in a row, and all of us share this honor! To maintain this hard-earned reputation, it is essential that we embrace new blood and take in new vitality. To join our forces and reach a new pinnacle, we need your timely provision of employment opportunities and information to alumni in need and in-coming graduates. NCKU will act as the bridge for you to find pragmatic, enthusiastic, collaborating and innovative new crew! The pass-on and mutual help among alumni is the best NCKU tradition. If your business can help, please upload the information on the Employment Platform: http://career.adm.ncku.edu.tw/ . All members and associates of NCKU, from senior alumni, friends, undergraduate students, master’s and doctorate degree students can use this as a platform to exchange employment opportunities and information. Alternatively, please provide information to NCKU Alumni Association Center (Project Manager: Ms. Jong-Jong O, Tel: 06-2757575 ext 81302, e-mail: jjou@mail.ncku.edu.tw ) As the President, it is my duty to help all NCKU students and alumni to survive this financial tsunami. Within the university, we are in active mobilization to help our students, and outside the university we hope our successful senior alumni and friends will make an effort and work together to get out of this ordeal. I want to thank again for the care and assistance provided by senior NCKU alumni and friends. I believe that with the abundant resources, enthusiasm and united efforts, we will make our junior alumni see the support from their seniors, and in consequence they will pay back to the alter mater and our nation in the future. I also want to call sincerely for all NCKU alumni and friends, no matter you need help or can provide help, please contact us. Let’s join our hearts and hands together to meet the challenge head on. I wish all of us to conquer the tribulation and fulfill all ambitions! Michael Ming-Chiao Lai President National Cheng Kung University 以下則是校長給同學們的一封信:
當然,寒冬是四季遞轉的必然現象,但觀察今年的世界經濟,也面臨極淒厲的寒冬。台灣是國際社會的一份子,免不了受影響,許多公司行號或減薪,或 放無薪假,甚或裁員,倒閉關廠,局勢之嚴峻,可以想見。根據本校學生申請就學貸款及各項助學措施的資料顯示,本校學生的家庭受到經濟不景氣影響的數目有明 顯增加之趨勢。
我身為知識份子,身為成功大學的校長,對於這樣的景氣,和大家一樣,也是憂心如焚;尤其關心在成大就讀的你以及你的家庭。如果你能獨立應付,成 大願為你持續加油;如果你因為家庭的因素或其他原因而面臨困境,成大願助你度過難關!因為學校有許多獎學金(包含優秀獎學金、清寒獎助學金)、工讀及助理 工作,提供給同學申請,可以幫你自立更生!如果需要幫助的同學太多,學校將會增加這些獎助金的經費,和大家共度難關。
此外,如果你的困境是意外產生,措手不及,只要上本校網站首頁>在校學生>財務資訊>榕園圓夢助學網,或與導師及其他師長商討,就可以幫忙解決 問題。我們不願意看到任何一位同學因家庭經濟困難而不能留在成大就學。當然,有些同學比較忠厚保守,會覺得向人開口求助是丟臉的事。但每個人應該正面地迎 向困難,才是正確的態度!在這緊要的關頭,成大可以提供你穩住陣腳,繼續加油的動力,因為你是我們大家庭的一份子啊!除此之外,有些同學面臨畢業找不到工 作,有些在職場工作的校友被解雇失業,學校也正在思考規劃一些計畫,來幫助這些同學、校友,這些辦法不久就會公布。
西諺說:「樂觀的人,發明飛機;悲觀的人,發明降落傘。」是的!今天成大在國內所以能成為邁向頂尖的學府,成為企業界的最愛,正是因為有優秀的 同學,一代又一代的加入,才能讓我們昂揚前進。所以學校會照顧每位同學,而你進入成大,也就宣示了你有為學校及社會貢獻的能力與責任。豈可悲觀?
相信大家都非常敬仰、懷念前不久才辭世的台灣經營之神—王永慶先生,他成功的原因很多,但最關鍵的第一步,就是赴日本學習之前,向人開口求助, 張羅盤纏。等到事業稍有成就,不但還了借來的錢,還帶著感恩的心一輩子照顧那位他生命中的貴人;富甲一方後,甚至由照顧一人進而照顧千萬人,由回饋台灣進 而奉獻國際,真正印證了台語所謂的「食果仔拜樹頭」這句話。所以,開口向人求助,絕不會傷害你的尊嚴,反倒是考驗你是否有持志堅忍、懂得自我調適的能力。 處於現在經濟不景氣的時候,同學們最重要的是在學校打好基礎,不僅是專業的知識技術,更重要的是培養好的職業道德、個人品德、跨領域的知識、自我進修的能 力以及國際觀。把現在的危機變為契機,這才會讓你的未來無往不利。
成功大學校長 賴明詔
