2008年11月19日 星期三

終於拿到NCLP award!


//to novell practicum:

Hello Novell Training Service Group:
I passed the NCLP exam on 08/31/2008, but I still not receive my paper Licence yet.
May i ask you to resend the paper licence to me?
I think it's better to change my address to my training/testing center's address.
If this is allowed, would you please resend the NCLP licence to :
No.180, Gongyuan Rd., North District, Tainan City 704, Taiwan.

if not, would you please tell me what can i do to receive my paper licence as soon as possible?
very thank for your kindness and have a nice day!

// finished
Hi Jim -

I'm CC:'ing the mailbox where certificate fulfillment is handled - Jean, can you look into this for Jim?




//to novell EDCustomer
Hello EDCustomer@novell.com -
As the last mail, does that mean all I have to do is wait?
Or I have to do anything else?

Thank you,

我用了"as the last mail"來告訴他,我不想在寫信來催了...再不回我自己看著辦!沒想到果然禮拜一就給我一個滿意的回覆:

//from EDCuotomer Hello Jim,

Novell has your passed Novell CLP exam, however certification has not been awarded because you indicated "No" to the Novell Certification Agreement, the legal document which allows Novell to award certification. We need you to agree with "yes" on the Novell Training Services Certification Agreement before your Novell CLP can be awarded. The quickest way to correct this would be for you to sign online. You will need to associate your Novell Certification record with your Novell Login account - instructions for this can be found by following the link at http://www.novell.com/community/cert/ that reads "Access the Certification Database" - You will need information from your Novell CLP exam in order to complete this association.
Once in your file, go to "tools" on the left navigator and link on "complete agreement/application". You may "Click here to read the Novell Training Services Certification Agreement." Then edit "No" to "Yes", correct the date and submit your agreement. Your certification will then be awarded.
If you wish to update your personal information for certificate delivery to a different address, you may do so under the "tools" option.
Novell Training Services/jd

真相終於大白,就是我在novell的licence agreement上竟然是勾選no!不過怎麼會這樣呢?究竟是補習班在幫我報名的時候的疏漏,還是我在考試的時候習慣性的就選no呢?無論是哪一種都不重要了,他告訴我最快的解決方法就是線上登入,然後把我的資料更新成yes to licence agreement。不過...我在報名考試的過程中,我沒有申請novell的帳號、補習班也沒幫我申請耶,那該怎麼辦呢?

我想起多年以前(大概有三、四年之久了吧?)我曾經下載novell desktop 9來玩,當時由於程度不好,不太會用suse系列的linux(其實現在也不太會@@),所以曾經申請過一個帳號,不知道還能不能用?就算可以登入,那麼當時申請的email也跟現在不一樣了,我應該怎麼樣把我的考生代號跟novell帳號連結呢? 幸好novell這點做得非常好。我進入認證的database後,他要我填寫我的registration key,一填完之後我的資料馬上就可以更新了,從表上我是可以知道自己在何時考上了甚麼認證,過期了沒以及何時過期等資訊。我很快樂的改了寄件地址以及email,晚上馬上就收到兩封恭喜我考上NCLP的電子郵件:


Novell Training Services congratulates you on completing the requirements for

Linux Technical Specialist

Your certificate of completion is attached in PDF form. We encourage you to print it out for display.

This Specialization will count towards Solution Provider requirements for the Novell PartnerNet program.

In order for the PartnerNet system to recognize your Specialization, you must log into the Certification Database.

First time access requires information found on one of your exam score reports. Be prepared to provide:
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Registration ID
  • Test Date
If you don't have the above information, email edcustomer@novell.com with as much information as you can provide.

Again, congratulations from Novell Training Services.


第二封:恭喜您考上Novell Linux專家級認證:
Date November 18, 2008

No.180, Gongyuan Rd., North District, Tainan City 704, Taiwan.


Congratulations! On Behalf of Novell Training Services, it is a pleasure to grant you the title of:

Novell Certified Linux Administrator (Novell CLA)

Your Certification ID number is: 1xxxx203

The Novell Certified Linux Administrator certification demonstrates that you have learned skills a Linux system administrator performs routinely on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Novell CLA provides you the knowledge to continue on the path to Certified Linux Professional.

Holding Novell CLA certification allows you access to the Novell Certification Community at http://www.novell.com/community/cert/certification/. This exclusive web site provides you with information and resources to support you in your career as a Novell professional. You will have access to special benefits and program logos.

From the Community, you may connect to "My Certifications" to view and update your information. Please check this often and keep your contact information updated.

The first time you access the Novell Certification Community, you will need the Registration ID and exam date from your recent exam. All of this information can be found on the score report you received when you took your exam. This information will be saved to your Novell Login profile after you first login.

Your certificate of completion is attached in PDF form. We encourage you to print it out for display.

I commend you for your commitment, dedication, and effort in earning the Novell Certified Linux Administrator certification.


MaryJo Swenson
Vice President
Novell Training Services


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